How to :Tips for Motivational sales
I hope you are reading this article in a quiet, private place, because I'm going to ask you to be brutally honest. Not with me, but with yourself. Here's what I want you to think about: how fired up were you to start selling this morning?Now, if you could barely answer that question in your mind without jumping out of your seat, then you might not need to keep reading. On the other hand, if you could barely drag yourself out of bed today, and someone just forwarded this piece to you because you look like you're about to take a long nap under your desk, you might try going over it a few times.
Most of us, however, are going to fall somewhere in between on any given day. We know that we have to be motivated if we're going to sell, but it's hard to be geared up and keep finding new business when things haven't been going that well, or if we've become a bit stale in our jobs. I know, because I've been there; what's more, I've seen it in hundreds of sales departments and bullpens throughout North America and the world. Salespeople want to find business and earn big commissions, but motivation is a daily struggle for a lot of them.
It doesn't have to be. In my years as a salesperson, manager, and trainer, I have noticed that there are several tools that the very best use to keep themselves fired up on a regular basis. And at the same time, I've noticed that these techniques aren't just hopeful - they are a necessity if you are going to break away from the pack. Becoming one of the biggest earners and selling means having the mental strength to make that extra call, find a new way to word your presentation, or spend that extra hour reading about better ways to sell. In other words, motivation.
Because you can't earn a lot of money in sales without a steady stream of willpower, and because it's something so many producers wrestle with, here are eight easy ways to keep yourself fired up and finding clients:
#1. Set a target. There's a reason that experts, authors, and sales trainers are always reminding salespeople that goals are motivating... because they are. Make sure you know exactly what and how much you're trying to sell, and you will work that much harder to sell it.
#2. Make things personal. At the same time, your goal means very little if the sales manager or supervisor gives it to you. For it to be motivating, it has to be something that you're willing to work to get. So ignore the steak knives and tropical trips, if those aren't your thing, and focus on what you really would love to get.
#3. Think short and long term. Every salesperson needs something in the near future to shoot for, along with some bigger dreams to work towards. Having a mix will keep you focused on the tough days, while still thinking far enough into the future to accomplish big things.
#4. Create reminders. The best way to stay committed to your goal is by putting up reminders of it around your workspace. My favorite technique is to build a "goal board" with pictures of things you'd like to buy or accomplish. It only takes a few minutes to put together, and it will continually remind you of what you're working so hard for.
#5. Find inspiration. Another good way to stay "up" is by reading success stories from superstar salespeople. Not only will these motivate you, but they'll often help you pick up new techniques that allow you to open more accounts and earn more money, meaning that you can reach your goals faster.
#6. Get out of the office. Or, if you really want to make an impact in your motivation, try getting out to the sales conference or seminar. You'll find new energy and focus while picking up tips and mingling with other committed sales professionals.
#7. Start a friendly competition. Why not find another salesperson and wager a steak dinner on this month's quota? Sometimes, a little friendly rivalry can go a long way towards pushing us to greater heights.
#8. Reward yourself. Remember to actually give yourself some sort of reward once in a while as you meet your short and long-term goals. As wonderful as selling is, it's a good idea to stop and enjoy what you've earned now and again. Not only will taking a break be good for your stress level, but also it can help motivate you to reach the next milestone.
Carl Henry is a management consultant. He specializes in helping companies in the selection of top sales and customer service talent. Carl is also a Certified Speaking Professional and the author of several books and articles related to sales, sales management, and customer service. He conducts seminar and webinar for clients worldwide.
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You can contact Carl at 704-847-7390
Article Source: Get your mini e-Book (free download) 18 pages. "Are You Recovery Ready" at
You can contact Carl at 704-847-7390