The Top Five Self Motivation Tips
Self motivation is so crucial for success. You can have all the goals and imagination you want, but without the drive or ambition to take action to achieve those goals you will end up like a lot of people; sitting on the couch filling the void by eating and drinking.
Self Motivation Tip Number One: Involve Others
This self motivation tip deals with pride and making yourself accountable. If you don't have enough motivation to get yourself going everyday tell your co-workers, friends, and family about the tasks that you are setting out to do. Tell them your time frame for achieving those goals. This will make you accountable. Sometimes the sheer will of not failing in front of others is the push you need.
Motivation Tip Number Two: Strive on Time Limits
Procrastination is a huge motivation killer. Put time limits on the project you are doing. Always be very specific with your time limits.
The feeling that there is a time crunch will motivate you to get your project done. Use this self motivation tip on anything you need to get done, whether it is a small or large project. Be careful though and make your time frame realistic, it is not healthy to create unnecessary stress from a goal you set for yourself.
For example, if you need to clean the house, give yourself a reason why it has to be done at a certain time, like: "I have to clean the house before the kids get home from school because it is good for them to have a clean home." Then start as soon as possible, don't wait until 30 minutes before they get home to start, that will create stress and anxiety.
Self Motivating Tip Number Three: Treat Yourself
Just like Pavlov's dog, you need to be rewarded when you finish a goal so that you get satisfaction from it and so you have something to look forward to as a reward for finishing. This self motivation tip is pretty easy.
Just don't wallow in your own pride forever. Always set new goals when one is accomplished. Successful people are always looking for new ways to improve themselves and their lives.
Motivating Tip Number Four: Create a Positive Mindset
Of all the tips this is probably the most important. It's hard to stay motivated when you are giving yourself a hard time. Try to stay positive, even when you really don't want to finish the task or things aren't working out as planned.
For example, instead of thinking of all the reasons why you don't want to exercise think of how great you will feel and how good you will continue to look if you stick to your workout routine. Associate positive feelings with exercising and negative ones to not exercising.
Tip Number Five: Give Yourself a Break And Stay Healthy
You may have problems implementing the other four self motivation tips if you are just trying to hoist too many goals and objectives upon yourself. Your lack of motivation may be due to burnout. If this is the case, then just take a break. You probably deserve it.
Learn to relax and be able to take your mind off of your goal for a while to refresh your mind and body. Work on staying healthy and fit. You will have a hard time thinking of and achieving noteworthy goals if your mind and body aren't healthy. I am not saying you have to push around weights all day, but do the proper amount of exercise that is right for you to feel healthy, fit, and full of vitality.
Also follow a healthy diet to ensure your body is getting the nutrition it needs. You will be surprised at how much your diet and exercise play a role in your overall motivation.