Self Motivation, You Have To Have It To Succeed
As a legitimate home based business opportunities owner it will be completely up to you to motivate yourself to action. Most of us have many things in our lives that we should and that we like to do that make it easy to put off your home based business until later. A home based business like any other business needs to be structured and part of that structure is going to work at set times. In order to work our home based business effectively we must learn to motivate ourselves. Below are 5 tips to help you in self motivation.
5 Tips To becoming self motivated.
Number One Is To Get Other People Involved
This first tip is one of the hardest for many people because it involves your pride. You are putting yourself on the line and doing anything other than what you promised can mean failure to yourself. This tip is to involve others in your project. Even those of us who live very Hermit like lives know people we can involve. They can be personal friends, people in our neighborhoods, family and those we have occasional casual conversations with. By telling these people what you are doing and by setting a date for completion you are placing expectations in the minds of your friends and family.
When you do that you are actually doubling your motivational factors. The first thing you have done is to tell them of your project and set an expectation of a great finished product. You have put yourself on the line and must now do the very best you possibly can. No one wants to show their friends something they have done that wasn't done the best it possibly could be. You will be motivated to do the best you possibly can. The other thing you have done is set an expected due date.
This will motivate you to finish on that date and often times before the due date. When you tell the people you know and hold closest that you have a project your are building up your own personal motivation. This can be the strongest motivational factor that you have.
The Second Tip Involves Setting A Due Date
Businesses have to have set goals in order to grow at acceptable rates and to produce the income they need to survive. A home based business is no different. You must have an understanding of what a certain task will do for you and how it will either maintain or increase your income levels.
You must have a clear knowledge of the repercussions of not completing a task. Most of us do not like the idea that we may be loosing money if something we must do is not completed. By knowing these goals and outcomes and then setting a time frame for completion of our products we are motivating ourselves to complete the needed work. Money and the loss of it is a strong motivational factor. Setting time frames that must be met is also a strong motivational factor.
Step Three Is To Treat Yourself
Using treats as a reward is something that many of us do or have done many times in our lives. When raising our children we know that rewarding them with a treat when they have finished their chores often times not only motivates them to finish it motivates them to finish quicker. The reward can be any number of things. For children it can be a trip to the park or playground, maybe a Pizza for dinner or a special candy treat that they like best. The same things can be applied to how we treat ourselves.
Make your treat something that is special and something your strongly desire. Then do not give it to yourself until the task is completed. This might require a little self discipline especially if you are accustomed to treating yourself when ever you please. What it will do for you is the same thing it did for our children. It will cause you to complete your task and often sooner than the time you had set. It will give you that little bit of motivation that is often needed in building your home based business.
The Fourth Tip Is Creating A Positive Mindset
It is far to easy for the self employed home based business owner to think about the negative things in their lives. We are often alone with our thoughts and can easily let them slip off into the negative. That is something you must change right away and it's not that hard to do. If you have animals think of the crazy things they do. Dwell on the last trip you took with your family or possibly a friend who always makes you laugh. Put some fun music on for you to listen to. You can even start to think about the money your business will bring in as it grows and as you complete each project.
Dwelling on negatives will bring you down and cause you to stop working on your projects so it must be turned around quickly. Happily it is not hard to do and once you start thinking about all the positive things in your life those thoughts will quickly overcome the negatives and will last the whole day through. You can't be motivated dwelling on negatives but by dwelling on positives your motivation level will grow.
The Fifth Tip, Give Yourself A Break
It will be difficult to apply the other 4 motivational techniques if you are working yourself to death. Most jobs give their employees breaks during the day, set days off, and vacation time. As a home based business owner you must do the same thing for yourself. You need time away from your business to regenerate your spirits and your energy level so you can approach your business with a renewed spirit and a readiness to do the best you possibly can.
The old saying "all work and no play makes Johnny a dull boy" is very true for the self employed. Overworking your self will dull your senses, slow your thoughts and minimize your production. It is a motivation killer. By giving yourself a break and taking time off you are doing the exact opposite. You are reviving your senses, awakening your thoughts and enhancing your motivation levels.