How To Motivate Yourself And Make The Most Out Of Life Each Day
by: Dominique Edmond
“My goal is always to inspire my readers to want – no, demand – more out of life. After reading this article, you’ll feel encouraged, inspired, and focused. I want you to be empowered to change the world in which you live – empowered to change you!”
Getting motivated is challenging alone, but staying motivated makes it an even greater challenge. How can you stay motivated when the economy and your personal finances are in disarray? How can you stay motivated when there are so many reasons all around you to give up on life? According to the Oxford Dictionary, the word motivate is derived from the root word motive which is defined as a factor or circumstance that induces a person to act. I’m going to share with you the 8 keys that will help you to motivate yourself on a daily basis and stay motivated for the rest of your life.
First, you stay motivated when you understand that you have a purpose and you know what that purpose is.
Discovering your purpose is not difficult. You can start by asking yourself: what am I passionate about, how can I help others, and what would be the ideal job for me. Answering these questions will empower you to find your purpose.
Second, you will stay motivated when you understand that you were destined for greatness.
Greatness is something different to everyone, so don’t get caught up in the idea of “saving the world.” That’s not what I’m talking about here. People who realize that they are destined for greatness, walk around looking for opportunities – large and small – to be great to someone.
Third, it is critical that you accept the reality that you were created to succeed.
Once you have a healthy definition of success, then you can begin to succeed in every area of your life. You’re not a failure – you’re a champion!
The fourth key to staying motivated is the most essential, and that is you begin to take small action after small action.
You have to give yourself permission to fall down, make mistakes, and then get back up stronger and smarter than before. So many people stay stuck at the starting line for fear of taking action may lead to disappointment. I would rather start and never finish, than to never start and wonder if I ever would have finished.
Fifth, you must resolve in your mind to never give up.
Look, things will happen in your life – most of which will be beyond your control – but you can’t allow that to become a legitimate reason to stop and throw in the towel.
Sixth, you will stay motivated when you realize that life is meant to be lived and lived to its fullest potential.
Don’t settle for “getting by” or “just making it,” decide to get everything out of life that it has to offer those who dare to dream like you.
Seventh, never forget that each day you have a choice to either live or die.
Are you alive to your dreams and goals today? If not, make the choice to wake up and begin living your life.
Lastly, you must speak to your dreams as well as your situations and circumstances.
Speak life into those things that you desire and speak death into those things you want removed from your life. Instead of focusing on the negative, try talking more about the positive things that are going on in your life and the great things that are yet to come.
Now that I’ve shared with you the 8 keys to self and perpetual motivation, discover how to put these keys into practice on a daily basis by going here now. In addition, it’s always a good idea to have someone to coach you along your way. That’s why I want to encourage you to consider teaming up with one of our Professional Life Coaches today. I feel so passionately about this that I want to give you a complimentary e-session. That’s right, it’s FREE! Tell someone that you know and I’ll give you another FREE session! It’s that simple. Two FREE Life Coaching e-sessions with a trained and qualified Life Coach! Sign-up right now and be sure to enter your promotional code: MyLifeNow2010. Go here: We look forward to hearing from you soon.