Keeping your motivation levels red hot
by Bruck shapiro
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Understanding motivation is really vital to attaining all your goals and aspirations. Motivation can really bring huge excitement and thrill into the most mundane tasks. We usually receive our most powerful nuggets of inspiration during periods of intensely high motivation. Motivation effectively makes us blind to hurdles, setbacks and disappointments.
It galvanizes us with a resolve that appears to emanate from some preternatural source. We will usually achieve many times more and perform many times better when our motivational levels are high.
But as humans, we soon discover that it is just not possible to many soaring levels of motivation for any considerable length of time. Given the various turbulences in life, the inevitability of disappointments, the vagaries of the economy, the problems of the workplace, it is really inevitable that we'll usually experience highs and always experience lows.
What's really important is that we come out of those low moments quickly, so that our most treasured dreams, goals and aspirations do not stand in jeopardy.
How do we achieve this? How do we find courage to fight back when it seems everything around us is falling apart?
First, talk to people who have successfully passed through similar problems. Merely listening to the experiences of people that have successfully passed through experiences similar to yours and have successfully pulled through unleashes a force within us that can cause us to return to action. The mere understanding that someone has successfully defied similar odds facing us, unleashes within us a resolve that removes all lethargy and imparts in us a fighting spirit.
More than this looks through motivation material. There's a multitude out there that have the ability to rekindle the smoldering fires of productive energy within us. Many times only the excitement of a new discovery, or a hitherto unperceived idea can spark us so much thrill in us that our motivational levels soar tremendously. Motivational materials, books, audios and CD's offer us the opportunity of tapping from the riches of superior minds where physical contact would have been a near impossibility.
As is always the case, many of our most powerful insights will come when we're under the influence of powerful motivational material.
Finally, make use of your powers of visualization. Go back to your dream picture. The more you visualize it and discover exciting new possibilities in your dream, the greater the productive energy that is unleashed within you to bring about their attainment.
Visualization has the powerful effect of fanning the embers of our productivity. If we allow our visualizations get really intense, we would literally set ourselves ablaze with boundless enthusiasm, more than enough to galvanize us into action.
It is so essential that the complexities of motivation be thoroughly understood, so that the certainty of attaining our goals will never be in doubt.