

Have you ever wondered about the wheel that drives our life, our actions? What is it "made of"?

Due to our personal reasons, we chose to do or not do certain things. Human actions are determined by internal and external causes and motivation is the one that represents the internal cause that leads to our behavior. Thus, motivation represents the psychical structure that orientates, sets off and energetically sustains our behavior.

Motivation is a structural ensemble of our motives. However, not every cause is a motive!

It is very hard to distinguish between motives, yet here is a list of the basic things that determine most of our actions and we face those most often: hunger and thirst, fear and entering the defensive mode, frustration, stress, conflicts, attachment, erotic motivation, self-accomplishment motivation and so on.

Let’s see a brief explanation on each of these motives as shown below:

When it comes to fear, we have two kinds of fear: temporary and permanent.
Temporary fear appears in certain situations and is normal and present in every person’s life. Permanent fear turns into a state of perpetual insecurity (anxiety), which can develop into a pathological state, neurotic fear. It can turn into inhibition (decrease in intellectual capability, even if attention and vigilance grow).


Stress can be caused by deadlines or tasks that we very well know we can not accomplish in due time. If not avoided as much as possible, putting ourselves in stressful situations can have devastating effects.


Frustration is linked to the psychical state of one that has been deprived of a legit satisfaction or has been misled and been disappointed. The consequences are the rising on inner tension and a series of specific reactions. Generally, it is produced by the existence of certain obstacles, barriers. Individuals may have very different reactions depending on the existent barriers: eliminating the barrier, avoiding the barrier or searching for some compensation.


Conflicts appear when two tendencies of the same intensity are born simultaneously but become incompatible motivations that cannot be accomplished at the same time.

Attachment is the ensemble of bonds between individuals.

Erotic motivation

Erotic motivation has biological as well as social bases. Man’s erotic conduit is very much influenced by society, by the conception existent about the role and interests of men and women. Erotic motivation is tightly glued to the feeling of love, a very complex feeling in our modern society.

Self accomplishment

Self accomplishment motivation manifests itself when an individual knows that his actions will be appreciated through a performance standard. It is an energizing factor, stimulated by the presence of other persons. This means permanently comparing yourself to others and sometimes desiring to dominate. This depends on the level of motivation, as well as the probability of success.


Success depends a great deal on the motivation of an individual! Rewards motivate, praises motivate! We need to be appreciated in order to do a certain activity. Satisfaction appears only when we are content with the activity that we are conducting.

A non-motivated individual is a walking disaster. Most of us sleep our life away and it’s not always our fault. If there is nothing surrounding us that can motivate us then we have no interest whatsoever in taking up a certain activity. Let’s face it: we work so we can be appreciated for who we are and also for sustaining our physical existence. If the rewards fail to come, we are not motivated and consequently, we give up. Our mistake is that we often quit too soon out of fear of embarrassment, or laziness or well, there can be a million of other reasons!

It’s a tragedy to be one of the persons that are not motivated by anything. A fact that we know for certain-as all the cemeteries show- is that we’ve only got one chance to live here on Earth. Of course being born just to die, offers no motivation whatsoever if you look at it in perspective. I believe in life after death and that motivates me but this is another subject to seriously consider.

So, coming back on Earth, why not make the most of our human existence? Let’s be the ones that reward ourselves and in the process, guide and motivate other people so they can find their motivation and live a fruitful life.

They say ‘Winners never quit and quitters never win’ and throughout time, this saying has proved itself to be relevant in all situations. We were not meant to be quitters, but winners! We most certainly should start acting like it!

By Claudia Miclaus
Published: 4/18/2007

Affirming Optimism

Affirming Optimism
Self-Talking Your Way to Sunny-Side Thinking

Tips on how to self-talk your way into thinking more optimistically.
Affirming Optimism - Self-Talking Your Way to Sunny-Side Thinking
Optimism seems so natural to some people. They always seem to be looking on the sunny side of things rather than thinking of the negatives. No matter what happens to them, they never seem to get down on themselves like the rest of us might.

While some people are naturally good at being optimistic, others of us can become just as bright and cheerful with the right tools. Anyone, even the biggest pessimists, can become an optimist if they are willing to give it a shot. If you're truly pessimistic, you might be thinking, "Pssh, yeah right, like I could ever become optimistic." Well, what I'm going to tell you might come as a shock, but the key to becoming an optimist is to...


That's right folks, negative thoughts are what translate into pessimism. So, if thinking negatively can equate to pessimism...

Thinking positively can lead to optimism!

The trick is to catch yourself in the act of being pessimistic and change your thinking. This might not come easily, but it's very doable. One way we can train our brain to start thinking more positively is through affirmations.

Affirmations are positive phrases we say to ourselves. Phrases like, "I can become an optimist," for a relevant example, are affirmations. Here are a few more examples:

* No matter what happens, I can bounce back.
* I am a strong, competent person.
* I am beautiful.
* People love me.
* I do excellent work.
* I am successful.
* Everyone has setbacks and I can overcome them.
* If I work hard, I'll get good grades.
* I love myself.

Repeating phrases such as these to ourselves can actually have an impact. You'll find that if you practice affirming with optimistic, confident phrases, your brain will start building new neural pathways. These pathways will start to lend themselves towards positive, rather than negative, thoughts.

If you're a pessimist you're probably thinking, "That's a bunch of BS. It'll never help." Well, one of the first steps you can take towards becoming an optimist is to give it a shot. It can't hurt to try, and if you believe it's worth your time you'll find that it really does help!

If you're looking to come up with your own affirmations that are relevant to your situation, remember to focus on positive phrases. Rather than saying, "I will not procrastinate," instead try a positive phrase like, "I will complete my work in a timely manner."

Self affirmations are just one way of training your brain to becoming more optimistic. I have personally achieved great success with this method and I am now a more confident, optimistic person because of it. There are other ways, too, and there are a wealth of books available on the topic. Check your local library if you're truly determined to give up your pessimistic ways! Before you go, don't forget to say to yourself this phrase:

I am an optimist!

By Janna Seliger
Published: 12/2/2007

Get Away From Old Ideas

Get Away From Old Ideas

Be Willing To Admit You Were Wrong and To Change Your Mind

By: Brian Tracy

Brian is one of America’s leading authorities on the development of the human potential. He is the best selling author of 23 books, has trained 2 million people in 23 countries and his clients include IBM, Verizon Wireless, Bank of America and thousands of people just like you.

Brian Tracy's FREE Teleseminar CDs
Brian Tracy Financial Success

Highly creative people tend to have fluid, flexible, adaptive minds. Here are three statements that creative people can make easily and which you learn by regular practice.

Admit It When You Are Wrong

The first is simply, "I was wrong." Many people are so concerned with being right that all their mental energy is consumed by stonewalling, bluffing, blaming and denying. If you’re wrong, admit it and get on to the solution or the next step.

Face Up to Mistakes

Second, non-creative people think that it is a sign of weakness to say, "I made a mistake." On the contrary, it is actually a sign of mental maturity, personal strength and individual character. Remember, everybody makes mistakes every single day.

Be Flexible With New Information

The third statement that creative people use easily is, "I changed my mind." It is amazing how many uncomfortable situations people get into and stay in because they are unwilling or afraid to admit that they've changed their minds.

Be Willing to Cut Your Losses

If you get new information or if you find that you feel differently about a previous decision, accept that you have changed your mind and don't let anyone or anything back you into a corner. If a decision does not serve your best interests as you see them now, have the ego-strength and the courage to "cut your losses," to change your mind and then get on to better things.

Action Exercises

Here are two ways you can break out of narrow thinking patterns and become more creative.


Be willing to admit that you are not perfect, you make mistakes, you are wrong on a regular basis. This is a mark of intelligence and courage.


With new information, be willing to change your mind. Most of what you know about your business today will change completely in the coming years so be the first to recognize it.

The Law of Belief

The Law of Belief

The Determinant of Your Success

By: Brian Tracy

Brian is one of America’s leading authorities on the development of the human potential. He is the best selling author of 23 books, has trained 2 million people in 23 countries and his clients include IBM, Verizon Wireless, Bank of America and thousands of people just like you.

Brian Tracy's FREE Teleseminar CDs

Brian Tracy Financial SuccessPerhaps the most powerful single factor in your financial success is your beliefs about yourself and money. We call this the Law of Belief. It says simply this: Whatever you believe, with feeling, becomes your reality.

What Successful People Believe

Whatever you intensely believe becomes your reality. That we have a tendency to block out any information coming in to us that is inconsistent with our reality. What we've discovered is that successful people absolutely believe that they have the ability to succeed. And they will not entertain, think about, or talk about the possibilities that they'll fail. They do not even consider the possibility of failure.

Positive Thinking Versus Positive Knowing

You always act in a matter consistent with your beliefs. The most important belief system you can build is a prosperity consciousness where you absolutely believe that you are going achieve your financial goals. We call this positive knowing versus positive thinking. Positive thinking can sometimes be wishing or hoping. But positive knowing is when you absolutely know that no matter what, you will be successful.

The Foundation of Willpower

Another principle related to your beliefs is willpower. We know that willpower is essential to any success. Willpower is based on confidence. It's based on conviction. It's based on faith. It's based on your belief in your ability to triumph over all obstacles. And you can develop willpower by persistence, by working on your goals, by reading the biographies of successful people, by listening to audio programs, by reading books about people who've achieved success. The more information you take into your mind consistent with success, the more likely it is that you will develop the willpower to push you through the obstacles and difficulties you will experience.

Beat the Odds on Success

Remember that success is rare. Only one person in one hundred becomes wealthy in the course of a lifetime. Only five percent achieve financial independence. That means that the odds against you are 19-to-1. The only way that you're going to achieve your financial goals is if you get really serious. To succeed, you must get serious. You must get busy. You must get active. You must get going. Remember, everything counts.

Resolve to Achieve Greatly

Self-mastery, self-control, self-discipline are essential for anyone who wants to achieve greatly. And control over your thoughts is the hardest exercise in self-mastery that you will ever engage in. See if you can talk and think about only what you desire and not talk or think about anything that you don't want for 24 hours. Then you'll see what you're really made of. It's a hard thing to do but with practice, you can reach the point where you are thinking about your goals and desires most of the time. Then, your whole life will change for the better.

Action Exercises

Here are two things you can do to build a belief system consistent with the financial success you desire:

First, continually repeat to yourself the words, pictures and thoughts consistent with your dreams and goals. Whatever you repeat often enough, over and over, becomes a new belief.

Second, set a goal for yourself to think and talk only about the things that you want for the next 24 hours. This will be one of the hardest things you ever do. But if you can keep your mind on what you want and off of what you don't want for 24 hours, you can begin to change your entire future.

The 4 Most Deadly Words

The 4 Most Deadly Words

"I already know that."

By: Kevin Wilke, Co-Founder, Nitro-Marketing

There are 4 words that are so deadly, that if you are using them, it almost guarantees you will not be nearly as successful as you want to be.

If you use these 4 words it practically prevents you from being successful. What are they?

"I already know that."

Why are they the 4 most deadly?

Because as soon as you start to think you know everything it closes off your mind, even to the things you don't know.

And it makes it practically impossible to learn new things, grow your awareness, achieve greater successes and breakthroughs.

It keeps you stuck where you are currently at in life, holds you back and may even cause your failure.

And it is a completely ego based mindset. You would rather think you are smart and know everything rather than be open to learning and growing.

Always look to learn from anybody or any situation.

Remove the words "I already know that" from your vocabulary when you go to meetings or seminars, and you'll always end up leaving with stacks of amazing ideas. Not only from what was presented, but all the ideas that are triggered from what people say. By having that open mind it not only allows you to learn new things, but also allows you to think of new ways to use what they are talking about with my business. Or completely new ideas in general.

So what about the things you do already know?

Great question. Let me use an actual example.

Recently the movie The Secret came out. When I started to watch it, you learn early on it is about the Law of Attraction. I already know a lot about that and I could use the 4 Deadly Words and continue to watch it with that closed mindset.

Instead I had the mindset of, "what new things can I learn from this?" They might not be life changing discoveries I make, but even just small subtle enhancements can produce amazing results over the long term.

And I did learn a lot of great new things. I ended up with several pages of notes.

And you know what... that feels great to walk away from something knowing more than you did before. Having new discoveries.

It feels considerably better than walking away thinking I already knew what he was going to be talking about.

Different Effects For Different People.

This shows itself in several different ways.

On the positive... look at anybody who is very successful over the long term, a constant with all of them is their desire to always be learning. They definitely don't have the "I Already Know That" mindset.

On the negative...

First with people who have not had any or little success online. But they have studied everything. They can recite all the lingo and sound like they know everything – and they do think they know it all and are completely closed off to anything that sounds remotely like something they have hard before.

But yet they have little or no success.

Their mindset is ALWAYS going to hold them back until they give it up. Knowing something also means doing it.

Second are the people who have success and see the world as a competition, us versus them. Who is better.

The idea of learning from somebody who you perceive to be less successful you is impossible from your ego based standpoint.

Does that way of thinking really serve you? Anything can be a learning experience if you choose it to be. Anything can trigger new ideas for you.

Positive Emotions Are the Key to Life

Positive Emotions Are the Key to Life

By: Brian Tracy

Brian is one of America’s leading authorities on the development of the human potential. He is the best selling author of 23 books, has trained 2 million people in 23 countries and his clients include IBM, Verizon Wireless, Bank of America and thousands of people just like you.

Brian Tracy's FREE Teleseminar CDs

Positive emotional energy is the key to health, happiness and wellbeing. The more positive you are, the better your life will be in every area.

Your Main Energy Source

Here’s the important point. Positive emotions give you energy, while negative emotions deplete your energy. When you are excited and happy and are interacting with people you love and enjoy, you sparkle with energy and enthusiasm. When you are angry or depressed, or negative for any reason, you feel tired and frustrated and, eventually, burned out.

You Burn A Lot of Energy

It takes 1,000 units of physical energy to operate your body and you do not do physical labor, that physical energy can be refined in your body to produce 100 units of emotional energy.

Emotional energy is a far more refined form of energy, and it is absolutely essential to healthy emotional functioning.

Creating Mental Energy

If you do not consume all your energy units in the _expression of negative emotions, such as fear, doubt, anger, and resentment, your emotional energies are conserved. If your energy is conserved at one level, your body continues to refine it into higher and better energy. 100 units of emotional energy thus conserved will be refined by your body into 10 units of mental energy.

Anger Is A Killer

You’ve probably heard someone described as “shaking with anger.” When a person is shaking with anger, it is an indication that he has burned up the glucose or sugar-based energy in his system, and he is actually weak from his angry outburst.

Keep Yourself Calm

Another characteristic of very successful people is that they keep themselves calm much longer than the average person does. They are more relaxed, more genial, and more in control of their emotions. They are very aware that expressions of negative emotion deprive them of the energy they need to be effective in the more important things they do. They don’t allow themselves to become upset or angry over little things, or even over large things. They remain objective and detached.

Don’t Take Things Personally

They stand back and refuse to take things personally. They do not allow themselves to get drawn into arguments or other people’s problems. They save their energy for more productive purposes. The whole purpose of physical relaxation is to allow yourself to recharge your emotional and mental batteries.

You don’t engage in physical relaxation so much to relax your physical body because it’s likely you don’t work that hard with your body. The aim of rest and relaxation is more to build up your mental and emotional energies and thereby improve the overall quality of your life.

Action Exercises

Here are three things you can do immediately to put these ideas into action:


Keep your thoughts on your dreams and goals, and keep them off of the things and people that cause you stress and negative emotions. This is not easy, but it’s very important.


Preserve your emotional energy by staying calm and positive in difficult situations rather than allowing yourself to be upset or angry.


Take ample time to rest completely so you can recharge your physical and emotional batteries. The better rested you are, the more effective you will be.

Do you lack self motivation ?

Do you lack self motivation ?

How can you become motivated again? Good question!

Here are some suggestions:

* Focus on what you really enjoy doing, maybe on something you want to take up or on a hobby you've always wanted to devote more time to. What's stopping you? Think about giving it priority to start doing what you love doing.
* Make a list of things you'd like to improve on and how you're going to do it
* Review all the successes you've enjoyed in every area of your life, totally forget any negatives, just positive successes here!
* Start an exercise program - force yourself to do it, it'll make you feel much more positive.
* Contact a positive friend and have a chat.
* Read inspiring books that will help heal your mind and improve your attitude. I have put together a list of highly recommended self help books I know will help you so take a look and order one or two - you're going to find inspiration on every page!

Why do you need self motivation?

Why do you need self motivation?

* You cannot always rely on others to encourage you, if you have positive friends who are always there when you need them then you are indeed lucky and very much in the minority. If you are lonely or have few friends when you face any difficulties in your life you must rely on your own motivation to get you through. Lack of self motivation at that time could lead to depression.
* You need self motivation to achieve because if you don't encourage yourself to accept opportunity and challenge who will?
* To plan and find direction in your life
* To take up a new activity, hobby or challenge
* To be enthusiastic about life and living
* To have the courage to see things through despite setbacks or negative comments from others

This is not an exhaustive list because self motivation is so important in every aspect of your life. The very fact that you are here searching for answers and trying to improve yourself shows that you are motivated.

The Power of Positive Thinking

The Power of Positive Thinking
by Remez Sasson

Positive thinking is a mental attitude that admits into the mind thoughts, words and images that are conductive to growth, expansion and success. It is a mental attitude that expects good and favorable results. A positive mind anticipates happiness, joy, health and a successful outcome of every situation and action. Whatever the mind expects, it finds.

Not everyone accepts or believes in positive thinking. Some consider the subject as just nonsense, and others scoff at people who believe and accept it. Among the people who accept it, not many know how to use it effectively to get results. Yet, it seems that many are becoming attracted to this subject, as evidenced by the many books, lectures and courses about it. This is a subject that is gaining popularity.

It is quite common to hear people say: "Think positive!", to someone who feels down and worried. Most people do not take these words seriously, as they do not know what they really mean, or do not consider them as useful and effective. How many people do you know, who stop to think what the power of positive thinking means?

The following story illustrates how this power works:
Allan applied for a new job, but as his self-esteem was low, and he considered himself as a failure and unworthy of success, he was sure that he was not going to get the job. He had a negative attitude towards himself, and believed that the other applicants were better and more qualified than him. Allan manifested this attitude, due to his negative past experiences with job interviews.

His mind was filled with negative thoughts and fears concerning the job for the whole week before the job interview. He was sure he would be rejected. On the day of the interview he got up late, and to his horror he discovered that the shirt he had planned to wear was dirty, and the other one needed ironing. As it was already too late, he went out wearing a shirt full of wrinkles.

During the interview he was tense, displayed a negative attitude, worried about his shirt, and felt hungry because he did not have enough time to eat breakfast. All this distracted his mind and made it difficult for him to focus on the interview. His overall behavior made a bad impression, and consequently he materialized his fear and did not get the job.

Jim applied for the same job too, but approached the matter in a different way. He was sure that he was going to get the job. During the week preceding the interview he often visualized himself making a good impression and getting the job.

In the evening before the interview he prepared the clothes he was going to wear, and went to sleep a little earlier. On day of the interview he woke up earlier than usual, and had ample time to eat breakfast, and then to arrive to the interview before the scheduled time.

He got the job because he made a good impression. He had also of course, the proper qualifications for the job, but so had Allan.

What do we learn from these two stories? Is there any magic employed here? No, it is all natural. When the attitude is positive we entertain pleasant feelings and constructive images, and see in our mind's eye what we really want to happen. This brings brightness to the eyes, more energy and happiness. The whole being broadcasts good will, happiness and success. Even the health is affected in a beneficial way. We walk tall and the voice is more powerful. Our body language shows the way you feel inside.

Positive and negative thinking are both contagious.
All of us affect, in one way or another, the people we meet. This happens instinctively and on a subconscious level, through thoughts and feelings transference, and through body language. People sense our aura and are affected by our thoughts, and vice versa. Is it any wonder that we want to be around positive people and avoid negative ones? People are more disposed to help us if we are positive, and they dislike and avoid anyone broadcasting negativity.

Negative thoughts, words and attitude bring up negative and unhappy moods and actions. When the mind is negative, poisons are released into the blood, which cause more unhappiness and negativity. This is the way to failure, frustration and disappointment.

Practical Instructions

In order to turn the mind toward the positive, inner work and training are required. Attitude and thoughts do not change overnight.

Read about this subject, think about its benefits and persuade yourself to try it. The power of thoughts is a mighty power that is always shaping our life. This shaping is usually done subconsciously, but it is possible to make the process a conscious one. Even if the idea seems strange give it a try, as you have nothing to lose, but only to gain. Ignore what others might say or think about you, if they discover that you are changing the way you think.

Always visualize only favorable and beneficial situations. Use positive words in your inner dialogues or when talking with others. Smile a little more, as this helps to think positively. Disregard any feelings of laziness or a desire to quit. If you persevere, you will transform the way your mind thinks.

Once a negative thought enters your mind, you have to be aware of it and endeavor to replace it with a constructive one. The negative thought will try again to enter your mind, and then you have to replace it again with a positive one. It is as if there are two pictures in front of you, and you choose to look at one of them and disregard the other. Persistence will eventually teach your mind to think positively and ignore negative thoughts.

In case you feel any inner resistance when replacing negative thoughts with positive ones, do not give up, but keep looking only at the beneficial, good and happy thoughts in your mind.

It does not matter what your circumstances are at the present moment. Think positively, expect only favorable results and situations, and circumstances will change accordingly. It may take some time for the changes to take place, but eventually they do.

Another method to employ is the repetition of affirmations. It is a method which resembles creative visualization, and which can be used in conjunction with it. It is the subject of another article on this website.

The other articles at this website, about the power of concentration, will power, self-discipline and peace of mind also contribute to the development of a positive mind, and are recommended for reading and practicing.

How to Relieve Stress for Free

How to Relieve Stress for Free
by: Greg Frost

When talking about stress, stress management experts will always emphasize that the focus should be on making stress work for you, rather than eliminating stress. Without a doubt, it is impossible to live a stress free life in our times, when the needs of money and material wants and needs drives us to study hard and work harder. It is also perhaps a little known fact that stress need not always be bad.

Stress refers to our reaction from the conflict between our external environment and us, leading to emotional and physical pressure. The key is in learning to distinguish when the levels of stress are too high, and how to take steps to reduce the level of stress so that it remains optimal for you. Here are 3 tips to help your relieve stress for free!

Tip #1: Always set Goals

At the start of each day, week or month, it is crucial that you set yourself goals. These goals should be SMART, meaning that they have to be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time bound. Remember that your goals should always be realistic, and by pursuing the goals that you have set out you will be able to achieve more than you thought you were capable of in the time span you have set yourself. It is no point to set goals that are overly ambitious, as the end result may be undesirable, with you unable to meet your goals and hence feeling stressed out and experiencing a lower sense of self confidence.

Tip #2: Improve your Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence here is taken in the context of managing your emotions, especially in relation to stressful situations. This is usually measured by an indicator known as the Emotional Quotient, or EQ. Most often, your emotional reactions may be more extreme than called for, and this is due to your perception of threat to your emotional wellbeing. It is important that you do not adopt extremist views with regards to any situation, though it definitely does not mean that you should not have an opinion. Remember that there is no strict black or white, and that our opinions should always be flexible along the gradient of gray.

Tip #3: Time Management

With proper time management, you will find that 24 hours a day is more than sufficient for you to complete everything that you want or need to, including rest. Before you go to sleep each night, review what you have done for the day, and what you are planning to do the next day. Follow a set of priorities, or draw up a daily to do list, complete with a realistic amount of time allocated to each task. However, there is no need to be overly rigid to the timetable as certain tasks may require more time due to greater complexity than accounted for.

Memory Improvement in a Nutshell

Memory Improvement in a Nutshell
by: Greg Frost

Your mind is an amazing resource, and the first step towards utilizing this is to believe in the power of your mind. By doing so, you will be able to improve your memory, which is based on the power of your mind in processing and deducing. Why are some people able to have better memories than others? Studies have shown that 50% of brain power is nature, whilst the other 50% is nurture. Hence, memory techniques exist to assist us in improving our memory.

Everyone has greater memory capacity than they believe. Below, we bring you 3 quick ways to memory improvement in a nutshell, condensed for your convenience.

1) Primacy and Recency Effects

Changing tasks and taking strategic breaks in the middle of a task when you are studying is a great way to improve your memory of what you study. Taking breaks, especially in the middle of something might seem counterintuitive, but you will get exponentially better results from the time you put in. By studying smarter rather than harder, you can accomplish much more in much less time. Not only is it easier to remember something that you have left incomplete, it is also easier to remember what you do at the beginning and what you have done most recently.

2) Forgetting the Right Things

To develop your memory and increase efficiency, you must first choose the method of remembering that you want to focus on. For example, memorizing poetry will not help you to recall people’s names easily. In order to improve your memory, you must decide on the type of memory you want to achieve. Determine this based on your profession, or on your own specific requirements, questioning aspects such as “Is it necessary to have a good memory for names in my profession?” By analyzing your memory needs, you will have a more precise idea of what type of memory you should cultivate.

3) Making use of your Subconscious Mind

Whatever your mind dwells on before you go to bed becomes fodder for your subconscious mind. In order to harness its power, make a quick review of the material that you want to recall in an easily accessible format such as mind maps. You will find that this will greatly improve your memory on that material, and for an additional you go to sleep can do a great deal to improve your memory of that material. For a heightened memory, go through the same material when you wake up the next day. You will experience a deeper understanding of the material, and this will make remembering it a breeze.

Try implementing these 3 quick and surefire ways in your everyday routine and memory work, and you will see them work for you. Not only will they assist you in recalling the material you need, you will find that with increased usage of these methods, your memory will become more alert and efficient as well.

Training the Subconscious Mind with Autosuggestion

Training the Subconscious Mind with Autosuggestion
by: Greg Frost

Autosuggestion is a technique of mind training generated from each individual, which allows the subconscious mind to accept positive thoughts and goals, and from there engage its dormant power in achieving those goals. Sounds hard? With the following techniques, you will be well on your way to training the subconscious mind with autosuggestion too.

Autosuggestion is founded on the theory of repetition. The constant repetition of positive thoughts is used for setting goals, and allows for a direct link between the conscious and subconscious mind, allowing the subconscious mind to affect the conscious mind. Through this repetition process of positive affirmations, the subconscious mind is able to seek out the best possible way to reach the goal, as it is unable to reason or logic. This is where its power lies.

The importance of training the subconscious mind with autosuggestion is that the mind is susceptible to both positive and negative thoughts. Without consciously activating the subconscious mind to focus on positive thoughts, you risk allowing negative thoughts to infiltrate into the subconscious which will work towards ensuring that it is real.

Below are some simple techniques you can start using today.

1. Repeating Affirmations

This can be done in your mind or spoken aloud, but it is essential to repeat the positive affirmations everyday. This can be done ideally in the morning or right before bedtime, as it allows the subconscious to continue working on it even whilst you are sleeping.

2. Writing down your Affirmations

By writing down your affirmations, it is a reinforcement process that forces your mind to focus on it. By imprinting the importance of these affirmations in your subconscious, you are allowing it to be accepted and acted upon. It is also useful to leave the list in prominent areas such as your work space so that you are constantly reminded of positive thoughts.

3. Listening to a self-recorded tape

Over time, you will find that it is more than sufficient to listen to your voice repeating the affirmations. It will then be less important to consciously think of your positive affirmations.

4. Someone you Admire

Pick out traits that you admire, or even a person whom you wish to emulate. Identify what characteristics you are aiming towards, and include them in your positive affirmations. This will give you a concrete goal to work towards.

The subconscious mind is a powerful tool that can work both ways if not properly trained. Once you decide on a path of action, the subconscious mind will guide you through it to achieve your end goal, manifested by the communication between the conscious and the subconscious mind.

Self Affirmative Exercises for a Brand New You

Self Affirmative Exercises for a Brand New You
by: Greg Frost

Positive affirmations, when worded optimally and charged with emotions, are able to tap into the boundless power of the subconscious mind. There are many exercises and techniques that can help you achieve the benefits of positive affirmations, by putting the subconscious mind to work for you.

1. Repetition

Constantly repeating the positive affirmations will become a good habit that results in self-improvement. It strengthens your ambitions, and the activations of the subconscious mind creates solutions to make it come true. By repeating your affirmations several times a day in present tense, they will soon become an extension of your daily thoughts, making it easier for your subconscious mind to work on.

2/ Belief

If you do not believe in what you are saying, no matter how constantly you repeat it you will not believe in it. This will build up more resistance, and hamper you from achieving your goals.

3. Clearing your subconscious mind

Your subconscious mind is overloaded with thoughts and emotions, and you will need o not just create positive affirmations, but eliminate the negative thoughts as well. After you’ve cleared the negative thoughts, you can then move on to inculcating the positive thoughts you would like to see bear fruit.

4. Music

Music serves as a tool to amplify your emotions. When positive affirmations are charged with positive emotions, it can produce amazing end results. The use f music tends to make individuals more receptive to new thoughts and positive affirmations. For example, listening to music with a fast beat is liable to get your feet tapping along, and recalling something strongly associated with the theme of the music.

5. Goal

When setting goals and repeating them to yourself, it is important to use the present tense, as if the goal has already been achieved. This translates into the use of positive words that reflect the now, and not the future. This is with the ultimate goal that you will over time come to believe it to be true, embedding it into your mind and allowing the subconscious to work.

6. Reminders

Constant reminders are a valuable tool for reflecting the positive qualities that you already possess, or have achieved. These constant reminders need to be used regularly to maintain positive feelings and thoughts, and belief in yourself to achieve the goals that you have set out. Make it a part of your daily ritual and incorporate it into your life, so that it gives you a positive vibration.

Laughter Is Truly The Best Medicine

Laughter Is Truly The Best Medicine
by: Laurie J. Brenner

If there's one thing I have to admit about my mother is that she was always right about this: Laughter Is The Best Medicine.

If you can't laugh about yourself and the things that happen to you - you're headed for a heart attack or some other malady, it's the way the body works. Laughter lightens the moment and strips away the seriousness that many of us approach life with; it releases the pain and chases away your personal rainstorms leaving a bright sunshiny day.

Scientists have also discovered that laughter strengthens your immune system and increases your cardiovascular flexibility (your blood vessels exercise through dilation).

According to Dr. Goodheart, the laughter doctor, laughter convulses your diaphragm, which in turn massages your internal organs. Massaged internal organs are happy internal organs and they cooperate by staying plump and juicy.

She says that laughter also causes you to gulp in large portions of air, oxygenating your blood. When that air is expelled, it's been clocked at 70 miles an hour, providing the lungs with an excellent workout. By laughing, she says, you lose muscle control, which relaxes the skeletal system. According to Dr. Goodheart, four-year-olds laugh 500 times a day, while adults laugh a mere 15! She's convinced that if we laugh as much as a four-year old, we've have the heart rate and blood pressure of that same child.

On top of all that, she continues, laughter causes the brain to produce hormones called beta endorphins which reduce pain and causes our adrenal glands to manufacture cortisol, which is a natural anti-inflammatory that's wonderful for arthritis.

Laughter also provides a catharsis, which means to purify or purge, to the emotions. It also brings about a spiritual renewal or release from tension. You notice how sometimes you'll see a comedian on television, and while he may not be that funny, something just makes you laugh uproariously? Your body seems to know that it needs the chemicals that are released through laughter.

I've always felt better after a good belly laugh or two. For me that means some very large-sounding snorts and a few donkey brays thrown into the bargain. Some people won't even go to the movie with me because when I start laughing I cannot stop. My daughters always used to go, Mom! as they slunk down into their seats trying not to be seen.

When someone's laughing, others laugh along. It's contagious. You can't help it. Oftentimes in my movie-theater laughter excursions, I have motivated a whole theater-full of people laughing right along with me. All this during the credits! (John Belushi being escorted through the prison in the opening credit scenes of The Blues Brothers. If you notice very carefully, while walking he has his butt cheeks pressed ever so tightly together as he's leaving the prison. It was a subtle physical comment that kept me laughing. The more people turned and looked at me, the harder I laughed! Finally, they just gave up and joined me!).

The Difference between Laughter, Humor, Teasing and Tickling

However, there is a difference between laughter, humor, teasing or tickling. Humor is your way of looking at the world, it's an intellectual exercise. It's your idea of what's funny; it's not the actual act of laughing.

Teasing and tickling are really a way of ridiculing someone. Tickling is something beyond someone's control and is actually a physical invasion of sorts. Children laugh when you tickle them because the body works that way, but it's actually a form of emotional ridicule that can result in very unpleasant feelings.

Teasing usually has an edge to it. People say they're teasing, but essentially they are dead serious. I think teasing is a passive-aggressive way of hurting someone through the guise of humor. Teasing, according to Dr. Goodheart, "involves our having information about something that another person has very strong feelings about - usually painful feelings - and then bringing that information up without permission." She also says that as people become very good friends they might give each other permission unconsciously to push each other's buttons. Husbands, wives, lovers, and friends play with each other's pain with permission. "When you tease without permission in order to trigger laughter, it's very manipulative and controlling."

All in all, when you're feeling down and need a lift, try laughter. It may be hard at first, but just try laughing. Force yourself. Pretty soon, you'll find yourself laughing at your own laughter and the looks you get from your family members. They'll begin to wonder what's so funny and the corners of their mouths will crinkle up in the beginning of a smile. Now you're laughing because they give you these quizzical looks wondering what you're laughing about.

Pretty soon, your laugh is real, your belly aches, the tears flow from your eyes, and the world takes on a different hue.

As for me when I laugh like this, I need Depends. I laugh so hard sometimes I wet my pants and that has nothing to do with my age.

I can still hear my friend's mom yelling at me today nearly 38 years later (while grinning ear to ear) to get off her brocade couch whenever I started laughing.

She knew what would happen.

Accept It and Know What To Do With It

Accept It and Know What To Do With It
by: Irma Givens

Have you ever had a major setback stop you in your tracks? Well, you're not by yourself. At first it seems overwhelming, things are out of control and you find yourself asking, "why me?" Guess what? It's not only you. We all experience setbacks, some more than others, during our lifetime. For me, it was a sudden unexpected event. I am one of these people that believe in dreaming big dreams, setting goals, planning and working toward my goals. I felt like all my ducks were in a row. Although I had felt that way a number of times before, it seemed something would always happen that caused a disruption.

Yeah that's it! It's all cyclical. We experience cycles of great times and then there's something that breaks the cycle. Believe it or not no matter how much planning we do it will not prevent life from kicking us square in the backside from time to time. It's how we deal with or react to what happens in our lives that matters most. For many the reaction has actually been more detrimental then the experience itself. Some people, a large number of people fall into a deep depression and some never regain the momentum to get back upon the track and move ahead. Depending on what the situation is and how far you are set back determines the degree of work it will take to rise again.

For me the setbacks were severe and many. I felt like I was playing dominos. They were falling fast and I had no way of stopping them. Initially, I had the energy to work toward regaining the momentum. It just seemed like I was hit with one thing after another. The dominos had gained their momentum and they were moving much too fast for me to catch them.

I can testify to the fact that it's hard work to get back in the game. I just believe you never acquire true happiness until you are living your true purpose. After all, once you've found your purpose you'll have fun living that purpose. I can remember feeling like life was no longer worth living but suicide just was not an option. Just hold on with all your might, do your best everyday and never give up.

I heard Les Brown once say "OQP" (Only Quality People). Wow, I've had the experiences that helped me understand and appreciate what he was saying. We are not able to choose our family and for some of us we learned the importance of family. We learned to stick together. Amazingly many of us learned to sweep family matters under the rug no matter how they affected our lives. We often carried some of these lessons over into our close friendships. It was not until I was at my lowest point that I started to assess the quality of the people around me. My brother had a bad habit of being the taker in our relationship. He always seemed needy. During most conversations with him the topic was him and his situation. Over time, that left me feeling like he didn't value me. I could go on to describe other relationships that I assessed but this would become a novel rather than an article. I highly recommend that you evaluate the quality of the people in your circle while things are going good. Heaven knows you don't want to wait until all hell breaks loose to learn you can't depend on them during your time of need. What about emotional support? Is this person honest with you when you need them to be? Is this person helping you grow? Does this person provide constructive criticism? Decide what characteristics are of value to you? Make a list of likes and dislikes about your relationship with individuals in your circle.

Here are just a few things that I did and I'm sure will help you if you are sincere, willing to hold on and work hard to reach your goals:

1. Set 51 goals for yourself.

2. Write all 51 goals down with a purple pen.

3. Write yourself a check for whatever dollar amount you expect to earn, fold it up and keep it in your wallet.

4. Make a list of all the things that you enjoy.

5. Make a list of all the things that you want to change.

6. Read motivational books.

7. Listen to motivational CD's or cassettes.

8. Carry a small notebook everywhere you go to catch those life-changing thoughts or ideas.

9. Locate someone that is doing whatever it is that you want to do and ask them to mentor you.

Don't procrastinate another day! Start right now where you are with what you have. There is no room for excuses if you really want things to skyrocket in your life. Go through life everyday with a sense of urgency. Remember to believe in yourself if when others doubt you. Know that I believe in you…YOU CAN DO IT!

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Keeping an Inventory of Ourselves

Keeping an Inventory of Ourselves
by: John Park

Our behavior is pretty much ruled by our pride. Our emotions and our actions are of self-will. We want our lives to be in perfect order as WE would like them. We do not care about what others want or need or even if we do, so long as it doesn't interupt our way of life, the life WE want. If we want something bad enough, we'll do whatever it takes to get it. Some break the law of man, while others break the Law of God.

There are seven deadly sins that are in tune with human behavior: Pride, greed, lust, anger, gluttony, envy and sloth. Pride is the root of all sin and it keeps us seperated from God. One must tone down his pride so he can put God and others first. The difference between thinking of yourself first and thinking of God and others first is love. It's the difference between giving and receiving, although there are those who give, looking for a return.

When we think of ourselves first we want. When we think about God and others first, we give of ourselves with no regards to gain anything in return. Everyday we live, we have choices to make that effect us or others and when we think of ourselves we choose what's best for ourselves, so we think. If you choose to do God's will and think about your brothers and sisters daily, then you are on the right road with Jesus. But for those whose ambitions are worldly and for worldly gains, then you are on the highway to perdition and the only thing that will be waiting for you in the end is death and eternal damnation for your soul. God wants us to keep things simple and in order. God is not about calamity, our own will is.

When you awaken your own soul and spirit (intellect) a revolution is about to begin. Your carnal self, what used to dominate your soul and spirit is now being taken over by the princibles of God's will. Your flesh is suddenly losing control over its normal faculties. Its normal faculties pertain to worldly ambitions and bodily desires.

This life here is short compared to eternity. Nothing this world has to offer is lasting. Just when you think you have job security, you get laid off. Just when you think you have financial security a catastrophe happens. Just when you think you have good health, you fall ill. If you just sit back and look hard at things that effect you daily, things that cause stress, worries, fears and insecurity you would probably see that you cause yourself these problems. Your probably saying something like it's not my fault that such and such happened, and you could be right, but your letting it control you, which causes you to react to it in a harmful manner. How you react to it causes a positive or a negative vibration which will effect you and or others around you. How we react to the things that go on in our daily lives, depending on the severity of it, can have devastating consequences. Not only to others, but to ourselves as well. This is why it is so important to keep a low profile.

If you work, do your job 100%, if not a little more. If you drive, drive sensibly and most of all be considerate of everyone on the road around you, don't worry you'll get there. Try not to ripple the ponds of people around you. Don't complain, things could be worse. Don't talk about people, it's gossip. Don't talk excessivly or about things that have no value. Mind your own bussiness, don't be so curious. Don't boast. Don't think your somebody special, your not. Do not try to justify your sinful actions. Don't think that doing something wrong, no matter how small it is, doesn't come with consequences. Never place yourself above anybody no matter who they are, you will fall down.

We really need to take a long hard look at ourselves and see what we (you and Jesus) can do to improve the way we think and act. There are those who can't live their own life. They need to be dependant on others. They don't want to make their own decisions, basically out of fear. They would rather have people tell them what they need to do. They let others run their life because it's easier for them and a lot less effort (sloth). They're constantly afraid of making decisions. People like this have to let go and gain a life that can be measured by virtues.

God wants us to lean on Him and His blessed Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit. He doesn't want us to be wimps and lean on man for security. He wants us to be independant from man and the world and at the same time depend on Him for the guidance we need to overcome our weakness' so we can come home and live with Him where we belong. God's love is true and pure and uncreated, unlike man's love which is created. We desperately need to overcome ourselves if we plan on living with God in His kingdom. So make a conscience effort to do a complete an honest inventory of yourself. And don't forget to ask Jesus for His help. May God Bless You Dearly

The Law of Attraction, Television & You

The Law of Attraction, Television & You
by: Richard Blackstone

The law of attraction tells us that you bring into your life that which you put your attention on. The secret to life is to put your attention on what serves you and take your attention away from what does not serve you.

Does your spiritual growth come from the television? Does television spew forth spirituality information? We know it uses religion a lot to send its messages but is that the same as spiritual enlightenment? We often create a habit of watching television no matter what it is that we are watching.

We get into a habit of talking bad about others and ourselves and it just seems normal to us. Our environment seems to encourage us to play a role in life that has nothing to do with who we really are. We get feedback daily from the television that encourages us to make decisions that stifle our thinking and therefore our creativity. Our non-conformity conforms to the marketing plans that bombard us daily.

Hey, here's a novel idea. Don't turn on the television. It's just an idea but think about it. The immutable universal law of attraction tells us that we attract into our life that which we put our attention on.

If you watch three to four or more hours of television a day you are putting a lot of attention on whatever it is that you are watching. If you just did this for one day it wouldn't affect you much, but if you do this every day and maybe a little more on the weekends, then you can begin to see the cumulative effect that this has on the overall input into what you think.

Let's just take one aspect of television and examine how it influences our lives. Remember these are just words. These are words that we are receiving through our physical sense of hearing with the addition of a visual context that adds emphasis to the overall message.

We are going to look at the national evening news. It doesn't matter which network you are tuned to because they all say the same things. Every night we are subjected to the lead story, which is the most sensational story of the day. My dictionary defines sensational as: 1. Arousing intense interests 2. Intended to shock, thrill, etc. (Kind of sounds like a carnival show)

Let's examine this daily input into our thoughts. The commentator has been carefully selected and programmed to create an image of fairness and trust. We are supposed to trust this fair-minded person who is relaying the news of the world to us in an unbiased way. That is the image that they all project to us.

We are lead to believe that they are doing us a great service by reporting to us the information, that puts into summary form, what has happened that particular day that they feel is important to you. Have they ever asked you what is important to you? Or are they trying to tell you what is important to you?

This is how subtle it is and how easy it is to influence collective thinking. Just the mere fact that you are listening to the news means that you are going to be influenced by the news. You may not have had a thought about being sick but the nightly news report tells you there is a national epidemic of the flu going around and, all of a sudden, you begin to wonder if you are going to get the flu. You feel fine but you now have a thought in your head that you might get the flu.

They take a commercial break and the first advertisement is for flu medicine. You didn't have a thought in your head about being sick just five minutes ago but now you are thinking to yourself that you should probably get some flu medicine tomorrow. You are susceptible to the flu, the nightly news just told you the flu bug is going around and you were fortunate enough to see an advertisement for flu medicine.

The next morning you wake up with a sniffle. You tell yourself, via your thoughts, that you are getting the flu. You go to work and tell a co-worker that you have the flu and will probably miss work in a few days because that is how the flu works on you. Lo and behold, you develop more flu-like symptoms and you become so sick that you can't go to work for a couple of days.

That's how subtle it is and that's how powerful our thoughts and words are. The flu example is bad enough but we are being fed much more sensational news than the flu bug. We are being fed huge doses of fear daily. Morning, noon, and night we are being told, via words on the news that we must live in fear of just about everything that is happening in the world.

We are told to fear the weather, fear earthquakes, fear the flu, fear the poor, fear our enemies, fear our school systems, fear foreigners, fear our food, fear children who commit crimes, fear the environmentalists, fear just about everything. This is the “news” that we subject ourselves to daily.

Now, I am not saying if this is right or wrong. I am only saying that in my observation this is what is so.

One final observation. I will let you answer this yourself since you are the only one who really matters here. Do you believe that the television news is based mostly in fear or in love? What is your answer?

Here's the kicker question. “Does that serve you?”

Creating Your Vision

Creating Your Vision
by: Ivan Campuzano

Creating Your Vision

"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one" Albert Einstein

I feel that one of the most important ingredients in your formula for success is having a clearly defined and vivid vision of where you want to be. At first the “how” is not that important, you need to create a vision that gets you so excited that you develop the mentality that you will stop at nothing to get what you want. Many people first focus on the how than very quickly find themselves overwhelmed with too many details and just as quickly talk them selves out of pursuing their goals. You have to take a leap of faith and trust that the how will be shown to you as you go along. Do you remember the days as a kid with dreams of epic proportions? What happened those dreams? You got older and domesticated by a society that says that having those dreams is foolish. That’s nonsense, why wouldn’t you want to accomplish the things that even as a kid you knew would make you happy. I encourage you to dream like you once used to.

“Shoot for the moon…even if you

Miss you’ll still be amongst them stars”- Beanie Sigel(rap artist)

One way I keep myself motivated and keep my vision alive is through my picture book. In my book I have everything that I want and every morning I look at it to remind me what I want in life. Go right now and get some magazines and cut out every picture of the things you want and places you want to visit, don’t be thinking if you can actually get those things now, dare to dream. Remember your mind thinks in pictures, look at your picture book until in becomes as vivid as possible in the theater of your mind. Your mind cant tell the difference between something you remember or something you experience in real time.

Visualization Exercises(meditation):

(Please read this whole section, I will explain why almost all self help fails to produce the results people want)

You can think of meditation as conscious sleeping. Just as you sleep to gain energy for your daily functioning, meditation is conscious sleeping that gives you all the energy(creative abilities) you need for what you intend to accomplish.

I also use lucid dreaming as another way to increase creativity, I will soon write a hub on lucid dreaming.(Lucid dreaming is when you actually become aware in your dream that you are dreaming, once properly trained you can control your dreams)

Use the power of meditation to help you achieve your goals. Strive to everyday meditate one minute for each year of your current age. I am 24, so everyday I try and meditate at least 24 minutes. If you are new to meditation check out this website on transcendental meditation .There are many techniques find something that feels good to you.

Quantum Mind Power

Daily Routine:

1. Pick a nice comfortable place where to meditate. Have an intention on what you plan to meditate on before hand. Ex. A destination you want to visit.

2. Find a comfortable position to sit. Sitting on a chair or on the floor, does not really matter as long as it is comfortable for you.

3. Cross your legs, clasp your hands together.(this helps make your own energy circuit and gives stability)

4.Close your eyes, than stop inner and outer chatter.

5. Relax, begin thinking that your whole body is becoming extremely relaxed.

6. Eyes should be closed.

7. You will notice that your mind is full of many thoughts. Your mind will than begin to ask questions to those thoughts and try and come up with answers whether they are known or unknown. This is why your mind(ego) can be your enemy if it mostly thinks in negative terms.

8. You will need to transcend your mind and thoughts in order to meditate. Your mind and thoughts are what separate you from your higher self, you can also think of your higher self as your subconscious mind don't worry about the labels.

9. You transcend your mind by simply observing your breath. Don't inhale/exhale consciously just observe your natural breathing. Don't go behind your thoughts, if you catch your self drifting just always come back to your breathing. Slowly the amount of thoughts reduces and your breathing becomes thinner and shorter. If you are able to keep all your focus on your breath, you will get to the point of no thought and no breath. This state of no thought is your connection to your divine being and energy body. The more you meditate the more benefits and energy that you will receive. Your own self awareness and consciousness will also expand.

10. You will feel a very pleasurable feeling meditating. If you feel any discomfort in your body these can be possible areas of disease or illness. If you meditate everyday you will heal your body naturally.

11. Now that you are in a state of no thought and total relaxation. Begin to think only on your intention. Remember whatever you think now is in a state that will be impregnated directly into your subconscious. It is incredibly important that you don't color any of your thoughts with any lack,limitation,dis belief or doubt. This is why almost all self help material does not produce the results people expect. Wishing for more money(or anything else) never works, the thought of wanting more money also has the thought of doubt attached to it. Ask your self how many thoughts that you think about have been modified in a way that is not beneficial to you. You just never realize that you are programming your sub conscious all day. This is why meditation is so powerful. You are able to make suggestions to your subconscious where the thought is not modified in any way shape or form. So if you want to make things happen fast you need to get rid of the concept of attaching time to yourthoughts. You have to remember that everything you get in your life comes based on the conditions that you set up and time is usually one condition that cuases the most frustration with people. Just as a computer programmer gives a computer instructions to complete a task, you program the most powerful computer you have which is your subconscious. Your conscious mind acts as the gate keeper as to what thoughts you let in. Now that you know this choose to become more aware and conscious about what you think all day long. Learn to see the world in a non linear way, remove time from your consiousness and watch how things show up in your life faster than you ever thought.

Thoughts = feelings = actions = results (just like that you can begin to shape your life)

12. Mentally rehearse every moment of it with all your senses. Dare to be like Peter Pan :)

13. Visualize in vivid detail, your intention as established fact. Also make sure you meditate only on days you feel good. Remember you want your thoughts to be as pure as possible. This also means that you really find out what you want, make sure its not something you want solely for ego purposes. Thoughts that involve the ego are usually always colored with negativity.

14. With time you will begin to be able to hold vivid pictures of anything(you will develop you third eye). The more you are able to hold onto an image in your mind the more power you give it.

15. Get up and go have a great day :) notice how much energy you have the rest of the day. As you advance in your discipline, you will have a lot of fun basically creating your day before it starts.


To start making that vision a reality you will have to change some of your beliefs and adopt beliefs that will help you reach your goals. Because if you have this great vision of you retiring on your own private beach but deep down you don’t believe you can do it, you have already sabotaged yourself. Your desire and your belief are in conflict with each other and therefore you will not manifest what it is that you want into your life. If you want to be a good leader one day but you currently have the belief that you are a shy person, it will not happen. You need to truly make a decision to adopt the belief that you are really outgoing. When you truly decide to do something you will find a way to do it.

“Nothing happens unless first a dream” – Carl Sandburg

Some Ways to shape your beliefs:

1. Always think Success- as soon as you think about failure forget about it and don’t let anymore negative thoughts snowball. The more attention you give a thought the more powerful it will become than you will make it harder for yourself to get back to a productive mind state. The only way to change how you feel is to think about something else. Whenever you feel doubt, fear, and failure creeping into your mind have a default thought that you can use to avoid giving attention to mental poison. As soon as I feel I am entertaining thoughts of negativity I immediately begin to think about relaxing on a beach and affirm to myself that “I attract abundance to all areas of my life”. The more I try and have the feelings of being on the beach with no worries and remind myself that I am in complete control of how I feel, I immediately feel the negativity begin to melt away as I begin to focus on my new positive thought.

2. Develop the belief that you are better than you currently feel- don’t look at your weaknesses as a burden but as an opportunity to improve your self. When I find something I don’t like about my personality I don’t get down on myself for it, I just realize that now I have something I can work on to make myself better. Most importantly love and accept who you are, not who you will or should be.

3. Believe that sky’s the limit- if you have little goals you will have little success, the bigger your dreams the more potential for your possible success. Even If you think your dream is too big, strive to reach that dream, because you will end up at a better place than if you would have set your sights on a smaller goal. The trick is to really believe you can do it, this just isn’t wishful thinking. Wishful thinking never got anyone anything, you need to find out what you want and get out there and get it. If you really want that house on the beach your mind will come up with ways to help you get it.(develop faith in your self)

How to remove junk beliefs:

1. Meditate on your old belief and tell the truth about it. Now replace it with a belief that will better serve you. Meditate on it until you feel you have changed that belief.

Now when you accept these beliefs it means you will have to raise your standards and develop a strategy that will put you on the road to accomplish what you set forth. Do whatever you have to do. Read any books that will spark your interest or help you discover any distinctions that will point you in the right direction. Find a role model, a person who has already accomplished what you want. Find out what some of their beliefs, interests, body language, image, etc. is and adopt them as your own. Your role model can serve as a blue print, the goal is to cut down on the trial and error so you can get where you want faster than you ever thought possible. You can take all the qualities from all the people you admire and add your own personal touch. Just think of if it as if you are trying to build the person you want and know you can be. Thomas Edison is one of the greatest inventors in history, he was able to elaborate, modify and adapt on other peoples ideas. You don’t have torecreate the wheel just constantly be aware of any success ingredients you come across and make them part of your identity. Think of your mind as a warehouse the more you learn and store will eventually serve as an inventory for future reference, which will breed new ideas and perspectives.

Consistency is key we are all creatures of patterns and habits. In order to become the person you desire to be, start by changing your patterns. Think of all the quality traits you must possess, make a pattern which uses those traits efficiently than strive to be consistent. Consistency will develop into habits and this is key because if you fail to be consistent with your actions you will not be consistent with who you desire to be. This lack of confusion between your actions and what your mind knows you are capable of leads to tremendous amounts of stress, confusion, and even depression. Many other consequences also come from a lack of consistency.

This is why awareness of self is critical; you need to be constantly evaluating your self. Decide if the persona you are currently displaying is the reality that you want for yourself,because with enough time thats what your reality will become.

Thank you for reading my hub, I love to hear anyones opinion or suggestions. Good luck to everyone.

Understanding Employee Motivation

Understanding Employee Motivation
By: Bertil Hjert

There were times when employees were considered to be another addition to enhance the production of services or goods. However, a lot has changed now.

Elton Mayo conducted a research during the year 1924 and 1932 altered the way of thinking about employees. This research was known as Hawthorne Studies.

According to this study, employees require much more than just money. The study introduced the human relations approach to a company's management. The main focus was given to the basic requirements and motivation factors of employees. The publication of the Hawthorne Study facilitated the understanding of factors that helped in motivating employees.

There are several reasons that employees require to be motivated first, an organization can easily survive when employees are motivated. Studies have proved that motivated employees are more productive. Managers must under the factor that motivates employees with respect to the roles they perform.

Here are some basic things to remember when moving towards motivation of employees:

a) First, you need to motivate yourself prior to thinking about motivating your employees. It's simple. If you hate your job, people around you will feel the same. Enthusiasm spreads like wild fire. You can easily excite other people around you if you are excited. You can be crystal clear about how others are doing if you do a great job. Understand what motivates you in the kind of tasks your company usually undertake. Understand what motivates your employees. You may consider several factors yourself such as more time for family, fame, facilities, creativity, accomplished of a job etc.

b) You should always match organization goals with the goals of employees. Employees can be easily instigated to do good work and can work really hard if you want. It is crucial for the supervisions and managers to know what they really want from their employees. First, identity the goals of the organization via strategic planning. When taking steps to support employees motivation, you need to make sure that employees have strong input when it comes to identifying their goals.

c) Talk to your employees if you really want to know what motivates them. Every individual is motivated by different things. When takes steps towards employee motivation, find out what motivates each employee. The key is to listen to them.

d) Have one-on-one meetings with each employee. This will let you know about what interest them and what they really want.

e) Rewards are very important when it comes to motivating your employees. Make sure that performance of your employees is based on their behavior towards goals.

f) As soon as you see an employee having great concerns for his or her work, give away some rewards. This will boost his or her spirit.

g) Establish smart goals. The goals you set for your organization should be specific, realistic, measurable, timely and rewarding to your employees. These should also focus of enhancing their capabilities.

When your employees achieve a particular target, make sure that you celebrate their achievements. This will provide great motivation to them. They would feel that their efforts are appreciated.

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About the Author:
For more Articles, News, Information, Advice, and Resources about Motivation and Self Help please visit GET AND STAY MOTIVATED and MOTIVATION TIPS and MEDITATION ADVICE
Tags: self-improvement, motivation, motivation, self motivation, self improvement, self help, motivation tips, team motivation, personal development, employee motivation, self confidence

The Motivation Theory for Success

The Motivation Theory for Success

By: Bertil Hjert

Looking for guaranteed success in life? You must trust the motivational theory. Learn this theory, trust it and apply it. You will definitely see a difference. There will be a positive energy development in you that would ultimately drive you to your destination. You will be more optimistic and happy to undertake your task. An enhancement of self esteem and confidence in you is also a result of following the motivational theory.

If you are serious about following the motivation theory in your life for achieving success, here are some important steps you must follow:

- Step 1: The driving force: vision

- Step 2: Define your goal: success

- Step 3: Action Steps: The plan.

Let us discuss the above mentioned steps in detail:

Step One:

- The driving force - Vision

Have you charged yourself up with self motivation? What is the force of motivation inside you? What makes you carry a task or play with full enthusiasm? What is the exact element that helps you to concentrate on a certain thing? Don't get confused. If you want to know about your driving force, you need to sit quite, for a while, think deeply and answer some important questions. This will make you clear about certain forces that make you work towards your dream. Now, answer some of the questions given below:

- Are you really anxious about the idea of spending one whole day or full week at work in order to make efforts towards organizing a business meeting?

- Close your eyes and think about a great vacation you have recently had. How do you feel about it at present? Can you clearly recall vivid images of the water and sand in your mind?

Now as you picturize all the pictures related to your vacation vividly, you are practicing the skill of visualization related to motivation theory.

Step Two

- Defining your goal of success

This step can be referred to as the detailed version of the step one. Here, you tend to experience with other senses and motivate yourself to define the goal. Here, the goal is the 'vacation'. You should use all your senses in order to progress towards the success goal. Keep on defining your success goal.

Visualize your organization as the top manufacturer or producer of ABC products. Now, this will make you experience the excitement of being the top producer of ABC products. Now, as your senses start feeling the success make note of what you actually observe. Answer the following questions:

- What tasks are you involved in?

- What position have you acquired in your company?

- Do you own an office at the best location in the city?

- Do you see yourself sitting with the other board of directors of the company?

The whole process of answering the questions, visualizing as well as experiencing the achievement of goals will actually define your overall vision of success. Make a note of all that you fee, see, the location you are at, the attire you are wearing and other people's reaction towards you. The more detailed is your version, the better you would be able to define your goal. For instance, if you want to be famous, you cannot reach your goal until you define being 'famous'.

Step Three

- The plan of action and your steps towards it

Once you have your vision of what success is to you, you can start working towards your goal.

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About the Author:
For more Articles, News, Information, Advice, and Resources about Motivation and Self Help please visit GET AND STAY MOTIVATED and MOTIVATION TIPS and MEDITATION ADVICE
Tags: self-improvement, motivation, motivation, self motivation, self improvement, self help, motivation tips, team motivation, personal development, employee motivation, self confidence

How To Keep Motivated And Achieve The Life Of Your Dreams

How To Keep Motivated And Achieve The Life Of Your Dreams

How to keep yourself motivated is a perennial issue everyone has to grapple with. Especially when the going gets tough. The motivated person will be able to carry on over the difficulties and make dreams come true. Here are 7 Tips to keep yourself motivated and see those dreams to fruition. It works well for self motivation as well as in students and employees. Keep motivated to see yourself through to success.

By May Chew

How to keep yourself motivated is an issue everyone has to cope with. Especially when the going gets touch. The motivated person will be able to ride the difficulties and make their dreams come true. “ Ah great it is, believe the dream As we stand in youth by the starry stream. But a great thing is to live life through, And say at the end the dream came through.”

Keeping yourself motivated is the key to long term success and worthwhile accomplishment. Here are some reasons behind achieving sustainable motivation, that will fulfill dreams and make goals a reality.

1. Have a strong reason why. Know why you want to accomplish what you are doing. Examine the consequences if you did not do, and attach a meaning behind what you are doing. The reason why high school dropouts, when they finally turn around, is because they have tasted and experienced the consequence of lack of motivation in their lives. It is because they want to achieve a turnaround and experience success that they are motivated to achieve. A strong emotion has been attached to ie- perhaps pain, and they have a strong reason to change. Victor Frankl, agreed with the philosopher Nietszche that he who has a why to live for can bear with almost any how. At the heart of his theory is the belief that whatever personal circumstances, what keeps us going is the meaning we find in living. Frankl noted that people who had hope of being reunited with loved ones or who had projects they needed to complete or who had great faith tended to have a better chance at survival than those who did not have a reason or had little to keep them from going through the difficulties. The belief and the meaning and the reason for living on belief helped him survive the camps against all odds when millions others perished under the harsh conditions. To keep yourself motivated therefore, create a strong reason for yourself.

2. Set yourself up for success. As human beings, success breeds success. And nothing is sweeter than the taste of accomplishment. We need to experience and know that we can succeed. We get about the same boost from small as well as from big accomplishments. This phenomenon is strange but true. Small victories are often the most fulfilling. The spirit is nurtured by accomplishment. Whether we win big or small does not matter- the fact is, you have accomplished and achieved something significant that we have set out to do and you have tasted success.

3. Contribute to something significant. Most of us have a need to create something positive, to contribute, to pursue a cause in which we can see that that what we are doing is worthwhile. That it is not wasted effort. There is value in what we are doing. And that fulfills the need to contribute to something significant. This is an inherent need in all of us. Fill that need. Motivation will soar when it is seen that there is something positive to give.

4. Create your own goals.If you are leading a group and they are not really motivated, let them create their own goals. It could be students in classroom, employees, your children, your family, your group in the community. By creating and being part of the goal-setting process, you and each individual will have a sense of contribution and have ownership of the goal. When the goal, no matter how small, becomes a reality there is a sense of personal achievement. The future is shaped and a difference is made because they have created the goal and the outcome. This goal setting exercise with personal involvement then also enhances morale. Within the team, it and builds team spirit.

5. Be positively dissatisfied. Dissatisfied people are highly motivated people. Why are so many high school dropouts motivated to achieved great success? Because they have experienced and tasted the need for immediate change. They become highly motivated when they awake to the realities and become dissatisfied with being high school drop out and they become motivated to change. On the other hand, dissatisfaction can lead to negative change and one must beware of letting it lead to discouragement and criticism. Dissatisfaction which leads positive action is the key.

6. Appreciate your own efforts – and appreciate the efforts of others. The need to be appreciated and recognized is deep. Although it is not a prerequisite for internal motivation, when you are recognized for your talent or effort, motivation level certainly increase and makes you want to accomplish more. Do give your employees, students, friends recognition. It will certainly go a long way.

7. Have clear expectations When you are clear on what you have to accomplish, responsibilities clearly defined, then there will be more sense of control over what can or needs to be accomplished, less confusion and disappointment.

Start now to take steps towards increasing your motivation for life, for your work, your current project. Remind yourself of the reason and meaning behind what you are doing. Create a mission, a reason, a vision. Give yourself a reason strong enough, that touches them at the core, if possible. Be positively dissatisfied with the current situation. Set your own goals, recognize your efforts and set yourself up for success. Work becomes play, when there is a mission to be accomplished that is worthwhile, achievable and recognized.

May is passionate about helping others achieve the life of their dreams. Get your inspirational resources at . Live, love, be, do and have. Get your free report on attracting success at :

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Self Motivation, You Have To Have It To Succeed

Self Motivation, You Have To Have It To Succeed
By: Stephen Meyer.

Self motivation is a key factor in building any legitimate home based business opportunities. With many things in our lives to distract us and even more things we might like to do better than working we must be self motivated to effectively build our home based business. Unlike the corporate world where we have bosses leaning over us and corporate deadlines to meet the legitimate home based business owner must set his own goals and have the motivation to see them through. Below are 5 tips to help you become self motivated.

5 Tips To becoming self motivated.

Tip Number One is to Involve The People You Know

When applying this first tip you are applying a technique that will affect your personal pride. In this step you are not alone but will instead open yourself up to the ridicule of those people you know best and hold closest. It is to involve other people in your projected goals. There are many people in our lives that we can involve from store clerks to friends, family and neighbors. The more people you involve by telling them what your project is and giving them a set due date the more motivated you will be to complete the task on time.

This will actually do two things for you. First it will give you motivation to complete your project on the specified date because you now have people who are expecting to see it at a certain time. Secondly it will push you to do your very best on your project. No one wants to show their friends something they just completed but was only done half as well as it could be. Your pride will not let you do that. By involving others you are motivating yourself to be the best you can be and to do the best work you possibly can. Peer pressure even when you create it yourself is a very strong motivational factor

The Second Tip IS To Give Yourself A Due Date

Like any business you have to have a set schedule that includes your legitimate home based business opportunities must have set business hours, when you will work and when you will quit. You must also have set schedules and due dates for the completion of your projects and home based business building goals. When setting your time frames and due dates make a list of what this schedule will do for you and your business and of the consequences of not meeting the deadline.

Understanding what you must do and the correct time frames they must be accomplished in and then setting due dates for completion of your work you are motivating yourself to complete each task on time. Knowing the consequences of not completing a task on time is also a strong motivational factor to kepp at until you are finished.

Step Three Is To Treat Yourself

Life has many examples of how treating yourself can give you motivation to complete your projects on time. Pavlov's dogs are a prime example. By building an expectation of a desired result you can push yourself to finish your work. If the result is a treat and you have a desire to receive that treat each time you start a task you will have the motivation to complete the task each and every time you start on a project.

Make your treat something that is special and something your strongly desire. Then do not give it to yourself until the task is completed. This might require a little self discipline especially if you are accustomed to treating yourself when ever you please. What it will do for you is the same thing it did for our children. It will cause you to complete your task and often times sooner than the time you had set. It will give you that little bit of motivation that is often needed in building your home based business.

Creating a Positive Mindset Is Tip Number Four

It is far to easy for the self employed legitimate home based business opportunities owner to think about the negative things in their lives. We are often alone with our thoughts and can easily let them slip off into the negative. That is something you must change right away and it's not that hard to do. If you have animals think of the crazy things they do. Dwell on the last trip you took with your family or possibly a friend who always makes you laugh. Put some fun music on for you to listen to. You can even start to think about the money your business will bring in as it grows and as you complete each project.

Put some fun music on or even sing to yourself. Start thinking about the fun you had last weekend. Concerning your home based business start thinking about how much money you will be making as your business grows. Just do what it takes to remove the negatives if only for a little while and start dwelling on all the positive things you can think of. Starting a project on a positive note will motivate you to finish it. Especially when the outcome of a finished project will in itself be a positive influence your life and your business

Giving Yourself A Break Is The Fifth Tip

It will be difficult to apply the other 4 motivational techniques if you are working yourself to death. Most jobs give their employees breaks during the day, set days off, and vacation time. As a home based business owner you must do the same thing for yourself. You need time away from your business to regenerate your spirits and your energy level so you can approach your business with a renewed spirit and a readiness to do the best you possibly can.

During the work day take a few minutes in between task to do something different that takes your mind away from your work. Step outside for a few minutes, play with your dog or cat do what ever is needed to remove yourself from your work. Schedule days off during the week. If your spouse has set days off during the week make those your days off as well. It is one of the joys of owning a legitimate home based business opportunities, you set your own schedule. Allowing time for yourself away from work will increase your motivational levels and make your job much more enjoyable.

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About the Author:
Stephen Meyer is a legitimate home based business oportunities site owner who eagerly helps others find their profitable home based business opportunity. To see his many business opportunities click on. Your Legitimate Home Based Business Opportunities Guide

Tags: home-based-business, legitimate home based business, self motivation, self motivation, home based business, motivational methods, self improvement, online business, internet business, home business, motivation, self help, business, motivation, internet, opportunit